
If you are wondering what to serve at your next party or you are travelling to another country and would like some help choosing what to drink when there, I’d love to hear from you!

Or if you are interested in working with ‘On the Sauce Again’ here’s some ideas of how we could co-operate:

Reviews: Whether it’s a bar, distillery tour or a product you’d like me to review, I’ll happily test it and let everyone know what I think about it. (If I am not too keen on it I will politely have to decline.)

Freelance writing: Like what I’ve written? Let me do some written work for you and your brand/magazine.

Press trip coverage: Happy to tag along and write what I see as well as promote the product/destination.

Brand ambassadorship: Happy to promote your brand/product through my blog and social media sites, or whatever works for you.

Recipe development: Looking for new recipes to complement your product? I’m on it!

Social Media Management: Let us help you share your brand message and reach new and loyal customers. See Social Media Management -page for more information on how we can assist.

Contact us
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